Joint Ventures

PSC has a successful history of building long-term, and mutually-beneficial partnerships between hospitals and physician groups. While these ventures can sometimes be complex, due to the number of physicians and administrators involved, we believe success is assured when all parties focus on the most important element – creating an environment to deliver the best overall patient care available.

Hospital Joint Venture Success

In our experience, physicians and hospitals realize that joint ventures make the most sense when efficiencies can be realized by both groups. PSC can structure the new ASC joint venture model to:

  • Create an Environment to Enhance Overall Patient Care
  • Remove the Back-Office Burden with Centralized Management
  • Realize Efficiencies Associated with Case Volumes – Reducing ASC Expenses and Patient Costs
  • Increase Leverage with Payers
  • Reduce Administrative and Compliance Obstacles for Expansion
  • Mitigate Risk for the Physicians and Hospitals
  • Remove Day-to-Day Managerial and Operational Headaches
  • And Much More
If you are interested in structuring a joint venture for your ASC with a hospital, or you are a hospital seeking a group of physicians to start an ASC, let PSC help guide you through the process. Contact us today to start the conversation.
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